Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Karen Elizabeth (Wright) Boggs Pope

02/16/65 - 07/24/07

The incredibly beautiful girl that you are getting to see in the picture above is my awesome sister Karen. She passed away on Tuesday after a short yet grueling battle with cancer. This girl battled to the very end! Even in her last days that girl had the fight in her. It's VERY hard to understand why at this point. But after watching someone that I love struggle to breathe and be in such pain, I know that she is no longer having to be in misery. She was an unconditional giver. She was so worried about us and if WE were OK. As my sister Cheryl and her loving fiance mentioned in her obituary (forgive me for any miswording) "...she got to know true love and was truely loved". She loved her nieces, nephews, and son Mitch so much. And her love for her animals...oh loved her animals! And oh how she brought the 2 loves of her life to their knees! She was our rock. As my Dad said "our 'go to' person" in the family. She was the person you could call in the middle of the night and she'd be there as fast as she could get there. And she'd be the first to call you on it if you were messing up or doing a loved one wrong :) She might have been small in size, but she was HUGE in will and heart. Oh my word we are missing her and are gonna continue to miss her. After they wheeled her out of the hospital room, and all of my siblings (minus one) are gathering up her brother says to me "I keep thinking 'where's Karen at?'" And, then we are both like "...oh..." It just doesn't seem real. Even though we watched it happen with our own eyes. Even though I held her hand from when it was warm till it wnet just DO NOT SEEM real. I know she's in a better place, but sure do wish she could still be here. She was just so amazing and anyone who knew her for more than a minute knows exactly what I'm talking about. She had MANY rough times. The kinda of rough times that would break the average person. She just rolled with the punches. The girl was freakin tough!

I will definitely think of more that I should add as time goes on. Still kinda dazed and confused at the moment (so please forgive the way that this blog is all over the place). But I had to send out my love to her ...this beautiful, wonderful, loving, kick-ass...I mean KICK-ASS sister of mine! I love you Babe and man alive I already miss you so much. I regret not having more one on one time with you over the years. But I cherish the memories that I have stored in my head. Even the ones of sorrow from the past week. I'm glad I was able to have that time. I love you, we all love you, and we'll always have you in our hearts!!!!

**Services for Karen will be Saturday, July 28th, 2007 @ 11am and will be held at McCoys Funeral Home in Sweetwater, Texas**


Beverly said...

My heart breaks for you and your family right now. I was totally shocked when I read your post. I'm so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Jen said...

Wow, what a shock. I am saddened for your loss. Please know you and yours are in my prayers.


Words can not even begin to express how sorry we ALL are!! Losing your sister is terrible - losing anyone for that matter is! But at least you can remember one thing she is not in any pain and new how much each and every one of you loved her! I wish I could be there to give you a huge hug!!

Kim :) said...

Angie and family.

I am so sorry that Karen was taken out of your lives so early. She was a beauitul person. The times that my family and I were around her I remember her just as you descried. She was a gem. She will be missed ineed.

We love you guys! You're all in our thoughts and prayers.