Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Yup, that's right...25! I'm offically 25 lbs lighter than I was at the 1st of January. I've lost more than that, but the other 6 lbs came off not by my efforts. I met my 1st Weight Watchers goal last week...WOO HOO! I got a key chain?!? Any way, I'm still 36 lbs from my goal, but for the 1st time in a LONG time I know I can do it!

Jim's doing awesome also. I think as of last night he's lost 31 lbs!! I'm very proud of him too cause he's not only losing weight, he's changing some very hard to break eating habits.

And hats off to my parents and Kim and Gary. They are all being equally as successful. I know all the women get discuraged cause it does seem a bit slow at times...but it's coming off...slowly but surely. Funny thing is, I was quite discouraged before we left to go to Abilene on Friday cause it appeared that I was only going to lose 1lb ( I hate to say "only"...but...). So this weekend I'd planned to eat "good" and TRY to get another pound off. Well, I got into a pissy mood when I saw how diffiuclt that was gonna be and I threw in the did Jim :) Dang, that actually worked in our favor. I knew that throwing a little junk in your "engine" can help jumpstart your metabolizm (sp?)...but I was acutally thinking that if I was SUPER good that it'd work just the same...WRONG! The junk in the engine worked. Jim and I both dropped pretty good amounts this week. Won't say I'll make this a routine, but it's nice to know that I can look forward to it everyone in a while :)

Good luck to all of you who are on this weight loss journey! I wish you all the best and can't stress wnought...DON'T GIVE UP!!!



That's great -- yeah I have lost 30 pounds and if I lose 9 more pounds that will be the weight of Mason -- a whole little person! hahaha

Jim said...


The Oldies said...

See what I mean we losing #'s and people! Jim !! It was more than a Cheeseburger that I saw at the track!!

Kim :) said...

Way to go Angie!! Your doing a wonderful job, and I certainly could see it on you this weekend! I didn't loose any last week. :( But I guess I have to look at it that I didn't gain anything either.. It just really bites when you follow a good eating habit and still don't loose a single ounce! But, I am hoping for a good number this week! No giving up here.