Monday, July 09, 2007


Wow, I must say that #14 has slipped up on me! I just realized a few minutes ago that it is the eve of our 14th anniversary. I've been so preoccupied that I didn't even get my hubby a card. So I hope this counts :)............

It's so crazy, but I think we have out lasted all of our friends (at the time that we got married) in marriage but 1 couple (Brian and Penny). We were warned that we were getting married to young. But ya know, I strongly believe that it worked to our benefit. We grew up together :) We are both so strong willed and stubborn that I think we'd be total oil and water if we got together any later in life. You are and have been since day 1, my best friend. We may claim that from time to time that the other one has lost their minds and have no idea what's going on in their head. But deep down, we pretty much know what the other is thinking 90% of the time....10% of the time we ARE nutz! :)

It has been a great 14 years with a perfect mixture of up, downs, insanity, pure joy, and love!! There have been the days where we could burn each other down with our less than loving stares :)~~ But all in all the love has never gone. And man alive we've made some beautiful kids in the process!! I wouldn't want to take this roller coaster ride with ANYONE else!

Love you Babe!


Jim said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit!

Jim said...

Sorry, just being funny, or trying to anyway. I love you too!

Kim :) said...

Happy Anniversary guys! Hope you both have a great day. :) I'm happy to say that we've known you guys for the most part of those 14 years!!!!

Kay said...

Happy Anniversary!! Thanks for all the memories and the kids, too. Love Ya!!


I still remember dancing at your wedding!!! Congrats on making it 14 beautiful years

The Oldies said...

Like Beth said I can still remember dancing at your wedding! wow for an old fart like me that is something. I am so happy for you and jim to have found each other,I also am happy to have him for the father of my grandchildren, thank you both and Happy Aniversary.

love you all POP POP
aka gampa