Thursday, August 31, 2006

Back in?

I'm extending the invitation to anyone read to start up their weight loss. I for one am ready to get back on track. And it's fine if I'm the only one reporting my weight each week. I just have to "report" in order to mentally stick with it.

I will start back on "true" Weight Watchers on Tues and do weigh ins on Fridays. Anyone who wants to join in, please email me your weight sometime on Friday (9/8) and I'll post the start weights. If anyone's uncomfortable with me using your real name, but still want to post...we can give you a fake name. Whatever works. Jim and I are living proof that the weight can come off...and CAN come back on if you slip. We've both come too far to let all this hard work slip completely away.

Good luck! We can do this :)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


As I mentioned in the previous post, Matt had 2 scrimmages this past Saturday. Matt had a good time and that's all that really matters. To me is was just mass chaos, but that's largely due to my lack of knowledge of the game. Matt didn't get to play much and when he did it was on defense...since he doesn't have a complete grasp of the game yet. He like to tackle, so not being on offense is ok with him. Here's some shots from the 2nd scrimmage (since I ran late to the 1st one and didn't get to see him play in that game).

Here he is getting suited up for his 2nd game. Between games him and several other boys went to "soak your undies world" (aka: the mister area).

Dad's gotta make sure it's all done right. Can't have our boy get hurt (anymore than usual :))

Matt is #53. He's just to the right of #44.

Matt just played some good "D" and he's ready for some water!

You can tell Matt's really into football cause he's actually watching the game when he's opposed to goofing on the sideline :)

From what I understand, we will have 6 games starting on Sept. 9th. I don't have a schedule yet, but for those of you interested in catching a game...let me know and I'll get the info to as soon as I have it.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Day 3

Day 3 - I'm waiting in line to pick up Matthew. He sees that I'm a few cars back and I can see that he's telling his teacher that he sees me. I see her hold him back (nicely). So I pull up in front of them...and she's walking with him. I hang my head, this is only day 3 and the teachers walking matt to the car. Oh dear. She comes up to the passenger side window and I just nervously laugh. She promptly tells me that everythings fine that she just wanted to give me a note. "A NOTE??" I thinking..."..not good..." And this whole time Matt's climbing into the car with a confused look on his face saying that he didn't do anything. The teacher tells us both to rest easy, that it's a good note. I think we both sunk back in our seat with relief and scramble to open the note to see what it says. I'll be danged, it was a good note. She said that Matt was a joy to have and was a great participant at discussion time........... Hummm, who'd a thought that :) Way to go Matt!

Day 3 was great again for Nat. Still pumped about band and partially still stressing about not having a flute yet. I told her to chill and she said she would...she's just excited :)

Here they are in their Day 3 outfits and if you look closely, you'll see that we had an odd occurrence that morning. Yes, yes...that is rain reminants you see :)

Beth asked how Brayden was with the kids gone. He's pretty much back into his old routine of eating, sippy cups, snacks, naps, and Oobi!! Here he is dancing to the Backyardigans.

...hard to capture dancing on camera...

Hope you all have a great weekend. This will be Matt's first football scrimmage. He has 2 on Saturday. One at 9am and one at 11am. That's gonna be one pooped and sweaty boy! I'll post pictures Sunday or Monday.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 2

Day 2 of school went great. Jim was able to get the kids afterschool, so by the time I saw Matt he was done with "story telling time" and was ready for snack and toons. But did manage to tell me that he had a great day. Nat on the other hand couldn't wait to tell me about band. She gave me the paperwork and explained that she'd be playing the flute and that we needed to buy or rent her one and that it had to ba a good one and not a cheap one...yadda, yadda. She's very excited, so we'll get her what she needs...I won't cheap out.. this time :)

Here she is showing of a suit that her and Grandma picked out.

Matt looking quite handsome I must say :)

Today they went to school on the bus. They were both excited to get to ride and did all they could not to go into a full out run as the bus came up the hill.

Now here come some extra shots that I just thought were cute:

I took this picture while Nat and Matt were cuddled up by Jim and making Brayden VERY jealous! So of course Brayden won and plopped right up in Daddy's lap :)

No, this isn't a hair bow. And no, we didn't place it there. Nat didn't even know it was in her hair. Pretty cool!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

First Day of school

Well we made it to (and thru) the 1st day of school. Both kids were very excited to start, especially after seeing all their friends at the Meet the Teacher nights. Matthew is in the same school he was last year, but now at the very back hall (where all the big kids are - 3rd & 4th). So he's thinking he pretty big stuff now :) Nat's Intermediate school moved into the old Middle School bldg. This is a much bigger and more complex layout. Plus they have lockers with combinations on them. So she was a little stressed about that and the fact that she had a top locker and couldn't see the numbers that well. But, she was still very pumped to get to gab it up with all her friends!

They both popped out of bed with no problems, gobbled down their food, and we were off.

Nat was dropped off first. And per her request, she was not walked in. So hug and kisses were done as we drove up and off went my big girl.

Matt was next. And after seeing sister not being walked way was I gonna get to walk him in either :( But he assured me that he was good and could take it from there :)

I went to pick Matt up from school and decided to get there about 10 mins early. ...35 mins later...I finally had him loaded. We had to haul buns to get to Nat's school cause it was now 3:25pm and her school got out at 3:20pm! He said he had a great day, nice teacher, and 3 of his friends were in his class. One of them being Evan..his BEST friend!

When we got to Nat's school it was total mayhem, but we got to her fairly easy and we flew out of that mess. Nat was much more at ease about her new school. She loved her teachers and how the class rotations worked. She was also very happy that the girl that has the locker below here wanted to have the top locker since she was tall and hated to crouch. Then they hit it off and she's all Nat could talk about. She said that all her friends liked her she was in hog heaven. Nat said she's new and was alone and wanted to make her feel not lonely..sweet kid!

I'm sure more great adventures will happen today, so I'll post more tomorrow. Plus I have more pictures to share, but Blogger's being stingy. Hope you all have a great day!

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Ok, the grasshopper plague "seems" to be coming to an end. They're still here, but not in the multitudes that they once were. Now it's the dadgum crickets!!! I pulled 62 crickets...that's right 62!!!...from underneath my sink night before last. That's not including the ones under Jim's sink and our closet. They are flat trying to take over the place. My neighbor took a picture of her garage, which she guesstimated to have 2000 crickets. My garage is bad, but not that bad.

So I throw it back out to you guys again... Is there a granule or bait that I can put out to make them either die or go away? I read on the internet that I should be able to control them with some kind of Sevin product or durisban. But I want what works! I'm gonna check with Tractor Supply & Lowes today...but I'll take any suggestions you give.

FYI...(too cute not to mention) Brayden's vocabulary has now expanded to include "up" and "down". And there's needed to be a lot of "up"s into Mommy's lap without the gugga being readily available. I think I'M the gugga patch!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Kids are back...

We went this weekend to pick up Matt and Nat from my parents. Matt had been with them for 2 weeks and Nat for 1 week. We all still transitioning back into our old routine, but it's a good transition. We missed them and I think they missed us :) Brayden really enjoys having them back. They are much more fun that me and Jim.

But this routine won't last long since schools tarts back next Tues. From what I can tell, we are one of the last schools to start this late. No problem by me cause I still don't everything I need for them yet. Just piddly stuff, but still needs to be done. Matt will meet his teacher on Thurs and Nat will meet her teachers on Monday night. I think they are both ready to go back. I haven't noticed any apprehension...yet.

Matthew will start football practice tonight. This will be his first time, but only cause it's his first time to show interest. He's really pumped. I hope we have a good coach since Coach Dad won't be doing it. (but he's all in on basketball and softball) I asked Nat if she wanted to do any fall sports, but she's a softball girl and that's it (she said). Still doing art, but she wanted to take some time off, so we'll start back this Thursday.

Brayden is saying something new (and funny) everyday. His latest words are what and why. He's an expert at spotting the planes in the sky and loves to play with the water hose! We're currently trying to break him from the gugga (pacifier). It's going ok. He gets it (or is supposed to only get it) at sleep times. He's had a few melt downs, but he seems to be pulling thru ok. I think if they make a patch to help quit smoking, that there should be a patch for this!!

Hope you are all having a great week!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Davidson Family Get Together

This past weekend was the Davidson Family Get Together at Ricky and Cindy's house (Ricky is Kay's [Jim's Mom] oldest brother). We left Friday and stayed at Mom and Dad's house so that we could stay and visit with them and my sisters...and Matthew, since he'd been with Mom and Dad all last week. We headed out on Saturday morning around 9:30 and got to Whiteface about 12:30pm. We sat around and visited, ate GOOD, and watched the kids play outside. It was a really pleasant day. I never saw it get above 90. The kids had a great time playing on this huge water slide of Rylee's (Courtney's son [Ricky and Cindy's grandson]).

It was a really good turn out. There was (of course) Ricky, Cindy, Courtney, Rylee, Tanner, Jennifer, Kay, Granny, Pop, Larry, Angie, Kendra, Bobby, Chanda w/ new baby in belly, Bailey, Chloe, Delaynee, Casey (Bailey's friend), Jim, Me, Natalie, Matthew, and Brayden.

Ricky and Cindy - Thank you so much for having us all, cooking for was all great! Ricky, you make a mean steak :)

Hope you all had a great weekend, and I hope that all of you get rain soon. We got about an hours worth of spittle last night and have a chance again tonight and tomorrow...Woo Hoo.

Here's a few pictures from this weekend...