Tuesday, August 29, 2006


As I mentioned in the previous post, Matt had 2 scrimmages this past Saturday. Matt had a good time and that's all that really matters. To me is was just mass chaos, but that's largely due to my lack of knowledge of the game. Matt didn't get to play much and when he did it was on defense...since he doesn't have a complete grasp of the game yet. He like to tackle, so not being on offense is ok with him. Here's some shots from the 2nd scrimmage (since I ran late to the 1st one and didn't get to see him play in that game).

Here he is getting suited up for his 2nd game. Between games him and several other boys went to "soak your undies world" (aka: the mister area).

Dad's gotta make sure it's all done right. Can't have our boy get hurt (anymore than usual :))

Matt is #53. He's just to the right of #44.

Matt just played some good "D" and he's ready for some water!

You can tell Matt's really into football cause he's actually watching the game when he's out...as opposed to goofing on the sideline :)

From what I understand, we will have 6 games starting on Sept. 9th. I don't have a schedule yet, but for those of you interested in catching a game...let me know and I'll get the info to as soon as I have it.


Kim :) said...

Aww what great pictures! Thanks so much for sharing Angie. He does look very into the game there! That is wonderful. I know he will do a great job!


He just looks so cute!!