Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 2

Day 2 of school went great. Jim was able to get the kids afterschool, so by the time I saw Matt he was done with "story telling time" and was ready for snack and toons. But did manage to tell me that he had a great day. Nat on the other hand couldn't wait to tell me about band. She gave me the paperwork and explained that she'd be playing the flute and that we needed to buy or rent her one and that it had to ba a good one and not a cheap one...yadda, yadda. She's very excited, so we'll get her what she needs...I won't cheap out.. this time :)

Here she is showing of a suit that her and Grandma picked out.

Matt looking quite handsome I must say :)

Today they went to school on the bus. They were both excited to get to ride and did all they could not to go into a full out run as the bus came up the hill.

Now here come some extra shots that I just thought were cute:

I took this picture while Nat and Matt were cuddled up by Jim and making Brayden VERY jealous! So of course Brayden won and plopped right up in Daddy's lap :)

No, this isn't a hair bow. And no, we didn't place it there. Nat didn't even know it was in her hair. Pretty cool!


Kim :) said...

LOVE the pictures!! How exciting for Nat to be in the band! I just sent you an email about the flute!


Glad they are still enjoying school! Cool Pic with the butterfly!

The Oldies said...

Great pictures of everyone. They look so grown up and handsome.