Wednesday, August 23, 2006

First Day of school

Well we made it to (and thru) the 1st day of school. Both kids were very excited to start, especially after seeing all their friends at the Meet the Teacher nights. Matthew is in the same school he was last year, but now at the very back hall (where all the big kids are - 3rd & 4th). So he's thinking he pretty big stuff now :) Nat's Intermediate school moved into the old Middle School bldg. This is a much bigger and more complex layout. Plus they have lockers with combinations on them. So she was a little stressed about that and the fact that she had a top locker and couldn't see the numbers that well. But, she was still very pumped to get to gab it up with all her friends!

They both popped out of bed with no problems, gobbled down their food, and we were off.

Nat was dropped off first. And per her request, she was not walked in. So hug and kisses were done as we drove up and off went my big girl.

Matt was next. And after seeing sister not being walked way was I gonna get to walk him in either :( But he assured me that he was good and could take it from there :)

I went to pick Matt up from school and decided to get there about 10 mins early. ...35 mins later...I finally had him loaded. We had to haul buns to get to Nat's school cause it was now 3:25pm and her school got out at 3:20pm! He said he had a great day, nice teacher, and 3 of his friends were in his class. One of them being Evan..his BEST friend!

When we got to Nat's school it was total mayhem, but we got to her fairly easy and we flew out of that mess. Nat was much more at ease about her new school. She loved her teachers and how the class rotations worked. She was also very happy that the girl that has the locker below here wanted to have the top locker since she was tall and hated to crouch. Then they hit it off and she's all Nat could talk about. She said that all her friends liked her she was in hog heaven. Nat said she's new and was alone and wanted to make her feel not lonely..sweet kid!

I'm sure more great adventures will happen today, so I'll post more tomorrow. Plus I have more pictures to share, but Blogger's being stingy. Hope you all have a great day!


Kim :) said...

Oh what great pictures! I know it had to be a little hard on Momma not being 'needed' to walk the kids into school today. I got the same response from Kelsey this year. :( But it sounds like they did a find job of finding where they needed to be! Our kids are just growing up much to fast. They are great kids and will have a wonderful year!


Those we were really cute pictures! What does Mr. Brayden think about them being gone?