Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Kids are back...

We went this weekend to pick up Matt and Nat from my parents. Matt had been with them for 2 weeks and Nat for 1 week. We all still transitioning back into our old routine, but it's a good transition. We missed them and I think they missed us :) Brayden really enjoys having them back. They are much more fun that me and Jim.

But this routine won't last long since schools tarts back next Tues. From what I can tell, we are one of the last schools to start this late. No problem by me cause I still don't everything I need for them yet. Just piddly stuff, but still needs to be done. Matt will meet his teacher on Thurs and Nat will meet her teachers on Monday night. I think they are both ready to go back. I haven't noticed any apprehension...yet.

Matthew will start football practice tonight. This will be his first time, but only cause it's his first time to show interest. He's really pumped. I hope we have a good coach since Coach Dad won't be doing it. (but he's all in on basketball and softball) I asked Nat if she wanted to do any fall sports, but she's a softball girl and that's it (she said). Still doing art, but she wanted to take some time off, so we'll start back this Thursday.

Brayden is saying something new (and funny) everyday. His latest words are what and why. He's an expert at spotting the planes in the sky and loves to play with the water hose! We're currently trying to break him from the gugga (pacifier). It's going ok. He gets it (or is supposed to only get it) at sleep times. He's had a few melt downs, but he seems to be pulling thru ok. I think if they make a patch to help quit smoking, that there should be a patch for this!!

Hope you are all having a great week!

1 comment:

Kim :) said...

Glad to see your post today!

I enjoyed catching up on the kiddos. Football for Mat will be fun! I can't wait to hear how it goes for him.

And Kelsey is a softball girl as well, she would rather not do anything else. We are 'making' her do athletics in school this year (the first year they can) and she would much rather NOT be doing it. I can't wait until she can play softball in School! Has to wait until High school for that though.

Nat and her art classes sound like fun, she has made some really neat stuff in those classes!

{{hugs}} On the gugga. That is never an easy thing to do! I think they should have a patch for it also!

Give the kids a hug from us!