Thursday, August 17, 2006


Ok, the grasshopper plague "seems" to be coming to an end. They're still here, but not in the multitudes that they once were. Now it's the dadgum crickets!!! I pulled 62 crickets...that's right 62!!!...from underneath my sink night before last. That's not including the ones under Jim's sink and our closet. They are flat trying to take over the place. My neighbor took a picture of her garage, which she guesstimated to have 2000 crickets. My garage is bad, but not that bad.

So I throw it back out to you guys again... Is there a granule or bait that I can put out to make them either die or go away? I read on the internet that I should be able to control them with some kind of Sevin product or durisban. But I want what works! I'm gonna check with Tractor Supply & Lowes today...but I'll take any suggestions you give.

FYI...(too cute not to mention) Brayden's vocabulary has now expanded to include "up" and "down". And there's needed to be a lot of "up"s into Mommy's lap without the gugga being readily available. I think I'M the gugga patch!!


Kim :) said...

Yuck to the grasshoppers still! I wish I could give you some advice, but I don't have a clue. We need help with crickets ourself. However, we are no where close to having them as bad as your grasshoppers! Thank Goodness!

yes, I'm sure you will be the patch for the gugga a while. :) Just enjoy the cuddles!


Not a bad comprise for the gugga! haha I had Crickets coming out of my ears at my store - so many that when the music was playing in the store you could hear them chirping over the music! So I had the exterminator come and he sprayed no more crickets!